Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Looking for a Questionnaire to Select a Candidate?

I found the following website has a questionnaire that helps select a candidate, but I am looking for others so that I can compare my results:


If you know of another website that uses a questionnaire to help select a candidate, please let me know. I want to try another questionnaire out. Thanks very much!

Looking for a Questionnaire to Select a Candidate?
. How can a 'questionaire' be valid when the candidates themselves aren't valid??

All of them will promise you the world, and after paying off their biggest contributors, will MAYBE give you what's left over. ...IF congress and the economy lets them.

Big Business, the Industrial Complex and 'special interests' come first. $$ buys and controls the election.

But go ahead and fill out your questionaires if it'll pacify you.

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