Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to use radial / response option buttons to create a form that produces numerical data as output?

I would like to create a questionnaire form using some major software (Word, Excel, Adobe, etc) which will allow a person to click on certain answers using buttons.

For example:

I am a: o Male o Female

Politically, I am: o Liberal o Moderate o Conservative

I know how to create such buttons, but what I *really* want is to be able to have the software export numerical data so that, in my example variables called "gender" gets a 1 or 2 and "political" gets a 1, 2, or 3.... and this is in some kind of table or ASCII file that can be imported into a spreadsheet.

This is not for use as a webpage, but as a stand alone document.

anyone have any suggestions?

How to use radial / response option buttons to create a form that produces numerical data as output?
In Excel you should be able to create Macros which are commands to record and move data in a presentation one wants them. I work with them but I've never written one myself - I use Excel to tabulate data I read off of a Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and create graphs. I have a web site stored in my favorites that can help you to create macros if you don't already know how to do so; if you are interested let me know and I'll copy it to MS Word since the link I had put here doesn't seem to work..
Reply:u dont need some kind of 3rd party program what you need is to come up with a formula on excel to recognize the entries that were is selected. u can click the help option on the excel program for the details.. dont recall exactly how but its just a string of command...

hope this helps

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