Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Help me out in making 20 questionnaires on the topic 'is government hospital a boon or a curse' its 4 survey

i cant do 20 questionnares 4 the survey on the topic 'is government hospitals a boon or a curse' i dont know how 2 do questionnares 4 any survey purpose...kindly can anybody help me out who has got mush knowledge in it...m in a great problem and i jus need 20 questinnares wich shud be relevant and interlinked 2 each other and shold carry a specific idea ...i am 2 do this survey 2 get answers from the common people's point of view about the government plz any body who can help me out sorting this 4 me plzzzzz

Help me out in making 20 questionnaires on the topic 'is government hospital a boon or a curse' its 4 survey
1.have you been to government hospital?

Yes No

2.if yes were you satisfied with the treatment given

3.any carelessness that you observed in the hospital

4.anything positive that you observed do you rate government hospitals do you rate private hospitals did the staff behave with the patients and other visitors clean was the hospital was the infrastructure

10.were all the machineries up to the mark

11.did you observe any outdated medicines or reuse of injections

12.any thing that a private hospital need to learn from the government hospital

13.any thing that a govt. hospital need to learn from the private hospital. was the management of the hospital.
Reply:If you cannot do even " 2 questionnaires for any survey question", then it is time for you to go to your teacher and ask for help.

You have clearly stated that you cannot do it and copying someone else's work could lead you to be charged with plagerising which you will be doing if you just copy Answers supplied through pity. I would not be surprised that you could be given a "Fail" straight out even if your copied answers are perfect.

If you enter "Distinction" on your resume on copied results , you are cheating, just the same as if you cheated in an exam. Sorry to be so blunt but as a teacher, I feel I am being kind in warning yoiu.

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